如何在没有 LangChain 模型的情况下流式传输 LLM 令牌¶
在本指南中,我们将从为代理提供支持的语言模型流式传输令牌,而无需使用 LangChain 聊天模型。我们将以 ReAct 代理为例,直接使用 OpenAI 客户端库。
要开始,请分别安装 openai
和 langgraph
$ npm install openai @langchain/langgraph @langchain/core
本指南需要 @langchain/core>=0.2.19
,如果您使用的是 LangSmith,则需要 langsmith>=0.1.39
。有关升级帮助,请参阅 本指南.
您还需要确保已将您的 OpenAI 密钥设置为 process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY
首先,初始化 OpenAI SDK 并使用 OpenAI 的格式 定义模型要填充的工具模式
在 [1]
import OpenAI from "openai";
const openaiClient = new OpenAI({});
const toolSchema: OpenAI.ChatCompletionTool = {
type: "function",
function: {
name: "get_items",
description: "Use this tool to look up which items are in the given place.",
parameters: {
type: "object",
properties: {
place: {
type: "string",
required: ["place"],
import OpenAI from "openai"; const openaiClient = new OpenAI({}); const toolSchema: OpenAI.ChatCompletionTool = { type: "function", function: { name: "get_items", description: "使用此工具查找给定位置有哪些物品。", parameters: { type: "object", properties: { place: { type: "string", }, }, required: ["place"], } } };
在 [2]
import { dispatchCustomEvent } from "@langchain/core/callbacks/dispatch";
import { wrapOpenAI } from "langsmith/wrappers/openai";
import { Annotation } from "@langchain/langgraph";
const StateAnnotation = Annotation.Root({
messages: Annotation<OpenAI.ChatCompletionMessageParam[]>({
reducer: (x, y) => x.concat(y),
// If using LangSmith, use "wrapOpenAI" on the whole client or
// "traceable" to wrap a single method for nicer tracing:
// https://docs.smith.langchain.com/how_to_guides/tracing/annotate_code
const wrappedClient = wrapOpenAI(openaiClient);
const callModel = async (state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) => {
const { messages } = state;
const stream = await wrappedClient.chat.completions.create({
model: "gpt-4o-mini",
tools: [toolSchema],
stream: true,
let responseContent = "";
let role: string = "assistant";
let toolCallId: string | undefined;
let toolCallName: string | undefined;
let toolCallArgs = "";
for await (const chunk of stream) {
const delta = chunk.choices[0].delta;
if (delta.role !== undefined) {
role = delta.role;
if (delta.content) {
responseContent += delta.content;
await dispatchCustomEvent("streamed_token", {
content: delta.content,
if (delta.tool_calls !== undefined && delta.tool_calls.length > 0) {
// note: for simplicity we're only handling a single tool call here
const toolCall = delta.tool_calls[0];
if (toolCall.function?.name !== undefined) {
toolCallName = toolCall.function.name;
if (toolCall.id !== undefined) {
toolCallId = toolCall.id;
await dispatchCustomEvent("streamed_tool_call_chunk", toolCall);
toolCallArgs += toolCall.function?.arguments ?? "";
let finalToolCalls;
if (toolCallName !== undefined && toolCallId !== undefined) {
finalToolCalls = [{
id: toolCallId,
function: {
name: toolCallName,
arguments: toolCallArgs
type: "function" as const,
const responseMessage = {
role: role as any,
content: responseContent,
tool_calls: finalToolCalls,
return { messages: [responseMessage] };
import { dispatchCustomEvent } from "@langchain/core/callbacks/dispatch"; import { wrapOpenAI } from "langsmith/wrappers/openai"; import { Annotation } from "@langchain/langgraph"; const StateAnnotation = Annotation.Root({ messages: Annotation({ reducer: (x, y) => x.concat(y), }), }); // 如果使用 LangSmith,请在整个客户端上使用“wrapOpenAI”或 // “traceable” 包装单个方法以获得更出色的跟踪: // https://docs.smith.langchain.com/how_to_guides/tracing/annotate_code const wrappedClient = wrapOpenAI(openaiClient); const callModel = async (state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) => { const { messages } = state; const stream = await wrappedClient.chat.completions.create({ messages, model: "gpt-4o-mini", tools: [toolSchema], stream: true, }); let responseContent = ""; let role: string = "assistant"; let toolCallId: string | undefined; let toolCallName: string | undefined; let toolCallArgs = ""; for await (const chunk of stream) { const delta = chunk.choices[0].delta; if (delta.role !== undefined) { role = delta.role; } if (delta.content) { responseContent += delta.content; await dispatchCustomEvent("streamed_token", { content: delta.content, }); } if (delta.tool_calls !== undefined && delta.tool_calls.length > 0) { // 注意:为简便起见,我们在此处只处理单个工具调用 const toolCall = delta.tool_calls[0]; if (toolCall.function?.name !== undefined) { toolCallName = toolCall.function.name; } if (toolCall.id !== undefined) { toolCallId = toolCall.id; } await dispatchCustomEvent("streamed_tool_call_chunk", toolCall); toolCallArgs += toolCall.function?.arguments ?? ""; } } let finalToolCalls; if (toolCallName !== undefined && toolCallId !== undefined) { finalToolCalls = [{ id: toolCallId, function: { name: toolCallName, arguments: toolCallArgs }, type: "function" as const, }]; } const responseMessage = { role: role as any, content: responseContent, tool_calls: finalToolCalls, }; return { messages: [responseMessage] }; }
请注意,您不能在 LangGraph 节点之外调用此方法,因为 dispatchCustomEvent
在 [3]
const getItems = async ({ place }: { place: string }) => {
if (place.toLowerCase().includes("bed")) { // For under the bed
return "socks, shoes and dust bunnies";
} else if (place.toLowerCase().includes("shelf")) { // For 'shelf'
return "books, pencils and pictures";
} else { // if the agent decides to ask about a different place
return "cat snacks";
const callTools = async (state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) => {
const { messages } = state;
const mostRecentMessage = messages[messages.length - 1];
const toolCalls = (mostRecentMessage as OpenAI.ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam).tool_calls;
if (toolCalls === undefined || toolCalls.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No tool calls passed to node.");
const toolNameMap = {
get_items: getItems,
const functionName = toolCalls[0].function.name;
const functionArguments = JSON.parse(toolCalls[0].function.arguments);
const response = await toolNameMap[functionName](functionArguments);
const toolMessage = {
tool_call_id: toolCalls[0].id,
role: "tool" as const,
name: functionName,
content: response,
return { messages: [toolMessage] };
const getItems = async ({ place }: { place: string }) => { if (place.toLowerCase().includes("bed")) { // 对于床下 return "socks, shoes and dust bunnies"; } else if (place.toLowerCase().includes("shelf")) { // 对于“shelf” return "books, pencils and pictures"; } else { // 如果代理决定询问其他地方 return "cat snacks"; } }; const callTools = async (state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) => { const { messages } = state; const mostRecentMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]; const toolCalls = (mostRecentMessage as OpenAI.ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam).tool_calls; if (toolCalls === undefined || toolCalls.length === 0) { throw new Error("未将任何工具调用传递给节点。"); } const toolNameMap = { get_items: getItems, }; const functionName = toolCalls[0].function.name; const functionArguments = JSON.parse(toolCalls[0].function.arguments); const response = await toolNameMap[functionName](functionArguments); const toolMessage = { tool_call_id: toolCalls[0].id, role: "tool" as const, name: functionName, content: response, } return { messages: [toolMessage] }; }
在 [4]
import { StateGraph } from "@langchain/langgraph";
import OpenAI from "openai";
// We can reuse the same `GraphState` from above as it has not changed.
const shouldContinue = (state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) => {
const { messages } = state;
const lastMessage =
messages[messages.length - 1] as OpenAI.ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam;
if (lastMessage?.tool_calls !== undefined && lastMessage?.tool_calls.length > 0) {
return "tools";
return "__end__";
const graph = new StateGraph(StateAnnotation)
.addNode("model", callModel)
.addNode("tools", callTools)
.addEdge("__start__", "model")
.addConditionalEdges("model", shouldContinue, {
tools: "tools",
__end__: "__end__",
.addEdge("tools", "model")
import { StateGraph } from "@langchain/langgraph"; import OpenAI from "openai"; // 我们可以重用上述相同的 `GraphState`,因为它没有改变。 const shouldContinue = (state: typeof StateAnnotation.State) => { const { messages } = state; const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1] as OpenAI.ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam; if (lastMessage?.tool_calls !== undefined && lastMessage?.tool_calls.length > 0) { return "tools"; } return "__end__"; } const graph = new StateGraph(StateAnnotation) .addNode("model", callModel) .addNode("tools", callTools) .addEdge("__start__", "model") .addConditionalEdges("model", shouldContinue, { tools: "tools", __end__: "__end__", }) .addEdge("tools", "model") .compile();
在 [5]
import * as tslab from "tslab";
const representation = graph.getGraph();
const image = await representation.drawMermaidPng();
const arrayBuffer = await image.arrayBuffer();
await tslab.display.png(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
import * as tslab from "tslab"; const representation = graph.getGraph(); const image = await representation.drawMermaidPng(); const arrayBuffer = await image.arrayBuffer(); await tslab.display.png(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
现在,我们可以使用 .streamEvents
方法从 OpenAI 模型获取流式传输的令牌和工具调用
在 [6]
const eventStream = await graph.streamEvents(
{ messages: [{ role: "user", content: "what's in the bedroom?" }] },
{ version: "v2" },
for await (const { event, name, data } of eventStream) {
if (event === "on_custom_event") {
console.log(name, data);
const eventStream = await graph.streamEvents( { messages: [{ role: "user", content: "what's in the bedroom?" }] }, { version: "v2" }, ); for await (const { event, name, data } of eventStream) { if (event === "on_custom_event") { console.log(name, data); } }
streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, id: 'call_v99reml4gZvvUypPgOpLgxM2', type: 'function', function: { name: 'get_items', arguments: '' } } streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, function: { arguments: '{"' } } streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, function: { arguments: 'place' } } streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, function: { arguments: '":"' } } streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, function: { arguments: 'bed' } } streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, function: { arguments: 'room' } } streamed_tool_call_chunk { index: 0, function: { arguments: '"}' } } streamed_token { content: 'In' } streamed_token { content: ' the' } streamed_token { content: ' bedroom' } streamed_token { content: ',' } streamed_token { content: ' you' } streamed_token { content: ' can' } streamed_token { content: ' find' } streamed_token { content: ' socks' } streamed_token { content: ',' } streamed_token { content: ' shoes' } streamed_token { content: ',' } streamed_token { content: ' and' } streamed_token { content: ' dust' } streamed_token { content: ' b' } streamed_token { content: 'unnies' } streamed_token { content: '.' }
如果您已设置 LangSmith 跟踪,您还将看到 类似这样的跟踪。