如何使用 ToolNode 调用工具¶
本指南介绍如何使用 LangGraph 的预构建 ToolNode
是一个 LangChain 可运行对象,它将图状态(包含消息列表)作为输入,并输出包含工具调用结果的状态更新。它被设计为与 LangGraph 的预构建 ReAct 代理开箱即用,但只要其状态具有包含适当 reducer 的 messages
键,也可以与任何 StateGraph
一起使用(参见 MessagesAnnotation
npm install @langchain/langgraph @langchain/anthropic @langchain/core zod
process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY = 'your-anthropic-api-key';
import { tool } from '@langchain/core/tools';
import { z } from 'zod';
const getWeather = tool((input) => {
if (['sf', 'san francisco'].includes(input.location.toLowerCase())) {
return 'It\'s 60 degrees and foggy.';
} else {
return 'It\'s 90 degrees and sunny.';
}, {
name: 'get_weather',
description: 'Call to get the current weather.',
schema: z.object({
location: z.string().describe("Location to get the weather for."),
const getCoolestCities = tool(() => {
return 'nyc, sf';
}, {
name: 'get_coolest_cities',
description: 'Get a list of coolest cities',
schema: z.object({
noOp: z.string().optional().describe("No-op parameter."),
import { ToolNode } from '@langchain/langgraph/prebuilt';
const tools = [getWeather, getCoolestCities]
const toolNode = new ToolNode(tools)
手动调用 ToolNode
在包含消息列表的图状态上操作。它期望列表中的最后一条消息是具有 tool_calls
参数的 AIMessage
import { AIMessage } from '@langchain/core/messages';
const messageWithSingleToolCall = new AIMessage({
content: "",
tool_calls: [
name: "get_weather",
args: { location: "sf" },
id: "tool_call_id",
type: "tool_call",
await toolNode.invoke({ messages: [messageWithSingleToolCall] })
{ messages: [ ToolMessage { "content": "It's 60 degrees and foggy.", "name": "get_weather", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {}, "tool_call_id": "tool_call_id" } ] }
请注意,通常您不需要手动创建 AIMessage
,它会由任何支持工具调用的 LangChain 聊天模型自动生成。
您还可以使用 ToolNode
进行并行工具调用,方法是将多个工具调用传递给 AIMessage
的 tool_calls
const messageWithMultipleToolCalls = new AIMessage({
content: "",
tool_calls: [
name: "get_coolest_cities",
args: {},
id: "tool_call_id",
type: "tool_call",
name: "get_weather",
args: { location: "sf" },
id: "tool_call_id_2",
type: "tool_call",
await toolNode.invoke({ messages: [messageWithMultipleToolCalls] })
{ messages: [ ToolMessage { "content": "nyc, sf", "name": "get_coolest_cities", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {}, "tool_call_id": "tool_call_id" }, ToolMessage { "content": "It's 60 degrees and foggy.", "name": "get_weather", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {}, "tool_call_id": "tool_call_id_2" } ] }
我们将使用 Anthropic 的一个小聊天模型作为示例。要将聊天模型与工具调用一起使用,我们需要首先确保模型了解可用的工具。我们可以通过在 ChatAnthropic
模型上调用 .bindTools
import { ChatAnthropic } from "@langchain/anthropic";
const modelWithTools = new ChatAnthropic({
model: "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
temperature: 0
const responseMessage = await modelWithTools.invoke("what's the weather in sf?");
[ { name: 'get_weather', args: { location: 'sf' }, id: 'toolu_01UAjv9Mmj9LRosAsrgKtqeR', type: 'tool_call' } ]
如您所见,聊天模型生成的 AI 消息已填充了 tool_calls
,因此我们可以直接将其传递给 ToolNode
await toolNode.invoke({ messages: [await modelWithTools.invoke("what's the weather in sf?")] })
{ messages: [ ToolMessage { "content": "It's 60 degrees and foggy.", "name": "get_weather", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {}, "tool_call_id": "toolu_01HrJmUek2ninxDiLJrYpDpz" } ] }
ReAct 代理¶
接下来,让我们看看如何在 LangGraph 图中使用 ToolNode
。让我们设置一个 ReAct 代理 的图实现。该代理以查询作为输入,然后反复调用工具,直到它拥有足够的信息来解决该查询。我们将使用 ToolNode
和我们刚刚定义的带有工具的 Anthropic 模型。
import {
} from "@langchain/langgraph";
const toolNodeForGraph = new ToolNode(tools)
const shouldContinue = (state: typeof MessagesAnnotation.State) => {
const { messages } = state;
const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1];
if ("tool_calls" in lastMessage && Array.isArray(lastMessage.tool_calls) && lastMessage.tool_calls?.length) {
return "tools";
return END;
const callModel = async (state: typeof MessagesAnnotation.State) => {
const { messages } = state;
const response = await modelWithTools.invoke(messages);
return { messages: response };
const workflow = new StateGraph(MessagesAnnotation)
// Define the two nodes we will cycle between
.addNode("agent", callModel)
.addNode("tools", toolNodeForGraph)
.addEdge(START, "agent")
.addConditionalEdges("agent", shouldContinue, ["tools", END])
.addEdge("tools", "agent");
const app = workflow.compile()
import * as tslab from "tslab";
const drawableGraph = app.getGraph();
const image = await drawableGraph.drawMermaidPng();
const arrayBuffer = await image.arrayBuffer();
await tslab.display.png(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";
// example with a single tool call
const stream = await app.stream(
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "what's the weather in sf?" }],
streamMode: "values"
for await (const chunk of stream) {
const lastMessage = chunk.messages[chunk.messages.length - 1];
const type = lastMessage._getType();
const content = lastMessage.content;
const toolCalls = lastMessage.tool_calls;
}, { depth: null });
{ type: 'human', content: "what's the weather in sf?", toolCalls: undefined } { type: 'ai', content: [ { type: 'text', text: "Okay, let's check the weather in SF:" }, { type: 'tool_use', id: 'toolu_01X5yTzVrGZqNz9vf1w2MCna', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'sf' } } ], toolCalls: [ { name: 'get_weather', args: { location: 'sf' }, id: 'toolu_01X5yTzVrGZqNz9vf1w2MCna', type: 'tool_call' } ] } { type: 'tool', content: "It's 60 degrees and foggy.", toolCalls: undefined } { type: 'ai', content: 'The current weather in San Francisco is 60 degrees and foggy.', toolCalls: [] }
// example with a multiple tool calls in succession
const streamWithMultiToolCalls = await app.stream(
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "what's the weather in the coolest cities?" }],
streamMode: "values"
for await (const chunk of streamWithMultiToolCalls) {
const lastMessage = chunk.messages[chunk.messages.length - 1];
const type = lastMessage._getType();
const content = lastMessage.content;
const toolCalls = lastMessage.tool_calls;
}, { depth: null });
{ type: 'human', content: "what's the weather in the coolest cities?", toolCalls: undefined } { type: 'ai', content: [ { type: 'text', text: "Okay, let's find out the weather in the coolest cities:" }, { type: 'tool_use', id: 'toolu_017RHcsJFeo7w6kDnZ6TAa19', name: 'get_coolest_cities', input: { noOp: 'dummy' } } ], toolCalls: [ { name: 'get_coolest_cities', args: { noOp: 'dummy' }, id: 'toolu_017RHcsJFeo7w6kDnZ6TAa19', type: 'tool_call' } ] } { type: 'tool', content: 'nyc, sf', toolCalls: undefined } { type: 'ai', content: [ { type: 'text', text: "Now let's get the weather for those cities:" }, { type: 'tool_use', id: 'toolu_01ML1jW5u5aVCFkZhihzLv24', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'nyc' } } ], toolCalls: [ { name: 'get_weather', args: { location: 'nyc' }, id: 'toolu_01ML1jW5u5aVCFkZhihzLv24', type: 'tool_call' } ] } { type: 'tool', content: "It's 90 degrees and sunny.", toolCalls: undefined } { type: 'ai', content: [ { type: 'tool_use', id: 'toolu_0187eWumoCgxjnCjq4RGHyun', name: 'get_weather', input: { location: 'sf' } } ], toolCalls: [ { name: 'get_weather', args: { location: 'sf' }, id: 'toolu_0187eWumoCgxjnCjq4RGHyun', type: 'tool_call' } ] } { type: 'tool', content: "It's 60 degrees and foggy.", toolCalls: undefined } { type: 'ai', content: 'Based on the weather results, it looks like San Francisco is the coolest of the coolest cities, with a temperature of 60 degrees and foggy conditions. New York City is warmer at 90 degrees and sunny.', toolCalls: [] }
还可以处理工具执行过程中的错误。请参阅我们关于在 ToolNode
中处理错误的指南 此处。